Representatives from the Pakistan Customs Service (PCS) and the interim committee of the Inland Revenue Service (IRS) met with Amjad Zubair Tiwana, Chairman FBR, in his office on 29/04/2024. They raised concerns about the non-transparent and arbitrary methods used for recent profiling and placement of senior officers from both services on the Admin Pool of FBR.
They conveyed their resentment regarding the media trial of these officers, specifically, and the two services in general, which is adversely affecting the morale and performance of officers from both services.
Both associations articulated the sentiments of officers who are feeling threatened and harassed because the due process provided under the law, rules, and regulations for addressing inefficiency, misconduct, and integrity issues has not been followed.
Furthermore, despite adverse economic conditions, field formations have continued to collect revenue, yet the efforts of officers in upholding the state’s authority have been overlooked by relevant authorities. The FBR has successfully met all assigned targets thus far, thanks to the relentless dedication of these officers.
Chairman FBR emphasized that transfer postings remain within the government’s jurisdiction. However, the placement of certain officers in the admin pool was carried out to comply with government directives.
The Chairman reassured association members that his office would request a meeting with both associations and the Prime Minister, allowing officers to lawfully voice their concerns. Additionally, a Zoom meeting will be promptly organized for all customs and IRS officers, during which the chairman will elucidate on the current situation.